Performance Readiness™

Your Performance Readiness is your state of recovery and ability to perform at your best on a 1-10 scale.

Performance Readiness™ is an Optimized Training™ metric that describes your state of recovery and ability to perform at your best on a 1-10 scale with a 10 being the “most ready” to perform.

Your Readiness is derived from your Normalized Training Load™ (NTL™), Residual Training Stress™ (RTS™), and RTS7™ values, among other factors.

nSight Optimized Training™ ensures you have high Performance Readiness on your race day and considers your lack of Performance Readiness as it analyzes your training data throughout your training cycles on a per discipline basis.

You can see your current Performance Readiness on your Fitness, Stress, & Readiness™ (FSR) graph.